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  • olivermd Friend


    Is it possible to change the Date in other languages?

    Monday to Montag an so on ?

    best regards from Germany

    nathanbohn Friend

    You will have to check with your hosting company to make sure you PHP has you local language installed. You will have to edit the index.php of the template. Go to templates/ja_teline/index.php
    Around Line 214 or find

    <div class="ja-day">
    echo "<span>".date ('l')."</span>";
    echo " <div>".date ('M')." ".date ('d').date ('S')."</div>";

    and replace it with

    <div class="ja-day">
    setlocale(LC_TIME, "de_DE");
    echo "<span>".strftime ('%A')."</span>";
    echo " <div>".strftime ('%b')." ".strftime ('%d').strftime (' ')."</div>";

    The setlocale(LC_TIME, ” “)shows what locale you are changing to. If your site is on a windows box you will need to look at
    to find the correct locale code, in this case you would replace de_DE with germany.

    PS. The above code drops the english 2 letter suffix after the date number. so 17th becomes just 17, which makes the month and date appear on the same line. Someone may be able to help you straighten that out.

    nathanbohn Friend

    if you wanted to still keep the 2 letter suffix you can change the last
    .strftime (' ').
    .date ('S').

    pluriel72 Friend

    Oder Du machst es so:

    [PHP]<div class=”ja-day”>
    setlocale(LC_TIME, “de_DE”);
    echo “<span>”.strftime (‘%A’).”</span>”;
    echo ” <div>”.strftime (‘%d.’).strftime (‘%b’).” “.strftime (‘%Y’).strftime (‘ ‘).”</div>”;

    nathanbohn Friend

    all available date displays are found at

    mikeho1980 Friend

    setlocale(LC_TIME, "zh_HK.UTF-8");
    echo "<span>".strftime ('%A')."</span>";
    echo " <div>".strftime ('%b')."<br />".strftime ('%e').strftime (' ')."</div>";

    For UTF-8 website, add .UTF-8

    Ferjoom Friend

    Tks for the belp 🙂

    JanKoen Friend

    I needed it too. Thank you!

    oddcstrand Friend

    I live in Norway. On my page:
    the date is “Monday 23 April” this is wrong because it is Tuesday 24 April in Norway. Has this something to do with me using sitegrund, which is based in the USA. How can I apply a time difference to this date..?

    zorcolino Friend

    thank you for code . Was chaning it and get the correct Date in German. within the calendar situated in the right top within Teline. However, the day besides the calendar remains still in English ( Tuesday instead of Dienstag). Can you please tell me how to change this. I would really apreciate your input.
    Kind regards

    ErikThorsen Friend


    You can set server timezone difference in the global configuration in your backend. I assume this would solve your problem. Lykke til!

    seralpro Friend

    Thanks for the help, i just changed mine to Spanish 🙂

    <div class="ja-day">
    setlocale(LC_TIME, "es_ES");
    echo "<span>".strftime ('%A')."</span>";
    echo " <div>".strftime ('%b')." ".strftime ('%d').strftime ('')."</div>";

    zorcolino Friend

    Hi Erik
    sorry for getting back to the date question again. I checked all posts in this forum, checked everything, but still get a messy date back. Iset code for German language :
    <div class=”ja-day”>
    setlocale(LC_TIME, “de_DE.UTF-8”);
    echo “<span>”.strftime (‘%A’).”</span>”;
    echo ” <div>”.strftime (‘%b’).” “.strftime (‘%d’).strftime (”).”</div>”;
    but still get day in English on frontpage, and date without day in content articles, like
    Tuesday, . April 2007
    I really dont know whats wrong.Do you have a proposal?
    Many Thanks

    seralpro Friend

    Did you try changing to the correct language in global settings?

    borisn Friend

    Language of my site is russian, code page – RU_ru.1251. I changed this value in Your example? but the date format in calendar is still english.
    Help me please!

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