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  • davikos Friend


    i am trying to find the php file that controls the width of positions “user1” & “user2”.

    i will put on these positions two modules with standard width user1=70% and user2=30%

    My problem is that i can’t find the correct file!!!? ? ??

    Plz some help!

    Thank you in advance!!!

    davikos Friend

    For anyone have the same problem… i did it doing the following…

    in folder /plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/blocks/ is the spotlight.php

    on line 59 we find the following code:

    <div class="ja-box column ja-box<?php echo $botsl[$pos]['class']; ?>" style="width: <?php echo $botsl[$pos]['width']; ?>;">

    i replace it with:

    <div class="ja-box column ja-box<?php echo $botsl[$pos]['class']; ?>"<?php /*?> style="width: <?php echo $botsl[$pos]['width']; ?>;"<?php */?>>

    so i can add the style from .CSS file for my module.

    Then i created a module suffix for my module that has the option “width:70%” in it

    and that was it!

    now my user1 position has 70% width
    and the rest 30% goes to user2 position!

    Hope this help someone else!

    simplified Friend

    This seems very odd. The code only contains botsl (bottom spotlight). How does that impact topsl? What if one wants topsl and botsl to be different? In my case, I wanted topsl user1 to be 70%, but botsl to be 100%. I tried forcing in a 70% into the code, but the logic isn’t there, so both came out 70%, so I had to revert.

    I’d appreciate ideas.

    Phill Moderator

    Take a look at the guides in the Wiki, rather than editing the JAT3 plugin code you can simply put parameters in the templates back end.

    For Inatance

    Custom width

    Expression: <block name=”top-spotlight” type=”spotlight” special=”left” specialwidth=”25″>user1,user2,user3,user4,user5</block>
    Purpose: – this will override the default 20% width for a single position within the layout, it could be the one in the right side, it could be the one in the left side, but let’s examine these parameters closer:

    • special=”left” – this defines where is the module we want to use the custom width: left or right
    • specialwidth=”25″ – this defines the new width value for this module within the spotlight block.


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