Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
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  • einat Friend

    Plase I need to solve this problem as soon as posible!
    In Template Manager i`m trying to change the Menu System, but I think it is not saving the changes because any message appears (neither successful or error)
    So, I really appreciate if you could tell me how to change Menu System manually.
    Is it possible?
    Thanks a lot.

    Stork11 Friend

    <em>@einat 326094 wrote:</em><blockquote>Plase I need to solve this problem as soon as posible!
    In Template Manager i`m trying to change the Menu System, but I think it is not saving the changes because any message appears (neither successful or error)
    So, I really appreciate if you could tell me how to change Menu System manually.
    Is it possible?
    Thanks a lot.</blockquote>
    Hello einat,

    What do you mean when you said you wanna change Menu System manually? Please explain more details. Thanks.

    Best regards.

    einat Friend

    Please!!!!! I need to solve this as soon as posible!!!
    Anyone could help me???

    Stork11 Friend

    <em>@einat 326671 wrote:</em><blockquote>Please!!!!! I need to solve this as soon as posible!!!
    Anyone could help me???</blockquote>
    Hello einat,

    Would you mind get me a few screenshots for more clarifications? Then I shall know what you are trying to achieve.
    Right now, I am quite not sure where to start.

    Best regards.

    einat Friend

    In Template Manager I select my template (JA_Blazes – default) and I select “Profile” in order to change the Menu System of my Main Menu.
    I have to change if from Mega Menu to CSS Menu, but when I save changes nothing happens.
    I supouse it is a permission problem that I`m trying to solve with my hosting provider, but I have to change it as soon as posible and I want to know how can I do it in my code.
    Sorry for my English! and thanks for your answer!

    1. css_menu
    Stork11 Friend

    <em>@einat 326834 wrote:</em><blockquote>In Template Manager I select my template (JA_Blazes – default) and I select “Profile” in order to change the Menu System of my Main Menu.
    I have to change if from Mega Menu to CSS Menu, but when I save changes nothing happens.
    I supouse it is a permission problem that I`m trying to solve with my hosting provider, but I have to change it as soon as posible and I want to know how can I do it in my code.
    Sorry for my English! and thanks for your answer!
    Hello einat,

    Can you send PM to me with your site information (your site URL, your site admin account) and your FTP account? So I can diagnose this problem.

    BTW, please include this forum thread URL in your PM, so I can follow it.

    Best regards.

    einat Friend

    I´m working in a test url (
    Im afraid that I cant provide you more information, I hope you could understand me! I´m working in my client´s hosting and they are really carefully with that information (and so do I).

    I will try to explain me beetter wishing you could help me!

    Capture 1: My default Menu Style is “mega menu” and I want to change it to “css menu”.
    Capture 2: (Administrator) Template Manager > JA_Blazes – Default > PROFILES
    Capture 3: (scroll down) I change Mega menu to CSS menu
    Capture 4: the change
    Capture 5: When I save the change, nothing happens, any error is showed and in the url just appears #

    I supouse it is a permission problem that I`m trying to solve with the hosting provider but I really need to change it as soon as posible so I want to do it by writtling code (change it by editing my files).
    I reallly dont wnow if I´m explaning good, I hope so!!

    Thanks for your answer and I hope you could help me!!
    (pleaseeeeeeeee, I´m getting crazy!!)

    1. capture_1
    2. capture_2
    3. capture_3
    4. capture_4
    5. capture_5
    einat Friend

    I solve my problem!!!!! 🙂


    I change setting_menu=mega to setting_menu=css

    I hope this could be ussefull to someone!
    Stork11, thanks for your time!

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  einat 11 years, 10 months ago.

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