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  • zizizkill Friend


    I’m begining the tutorial on how to make a Joomla template in 30 minutes and I am stuck at some point :

    After downloading and installing the quickstart file, I am asked to go the the htcdoc/my_website/templates/ja_t3_blank/local/themes.

    My problem is that I don’t have the “local” folder.

    I tried installing it on a remote server where I can see the “Local” folder but no “Themes” folder.

    I’m with MAMP on MAC

    Any ideas ?

    Thanks a lot

    TomC Moderator

    I just downloaded the most current JAT3 quickstart package and I, too, did not have a “local” folder …. though I did get a “themes” folder.

    Not knowing the particular video you are viewing, does it indicate that there are to be other folders – other than the “themes” folder – that are supposed to be within the “local” folder? If not, then you could always just create a “local” folder and house your themes folder within it. Otherwise, it may not matter in the long run.

    zizizkill Friend


    The video I’m talking about is ” Video 5. User Themes (Part 1)” on

    Yes there other folders and files that I cannot recreate.
    I think it is a vital part( If I understood correctly) to find the files because I have to edit them to create themes

    gustele Friend

    As far as I have found out with the move to the 2.5 versions of the templates the whole concept of the core and local folders has been abandoned. That means that the video tutorials no longer are working as presented. All customization is apparently done in the themes folder. Just make a new folder in the themes folder for your customizations and put everything in there (css-folder with css-customizations, html-folder with overrides for php-functionality, images-folder for custom versions of the images). Don’t forget to include an info.xml file in your new theme folder otherwise you cannot select the custom theme in the template manager.
    If you create a copy of the layout as shown in the video you will find that in the etc/layouts-folder in the template-folder. And if you create the new profile as shown in the video you will find the ini-file for that profile in the etc/profiles-directory.

    Hope this helps.

    Regards, John

    Winchester Friend

    Hi. All those videos are now outdated. Most of the information may still be relative to the latest JAT3 v2 framework, but largely it the documents and videos are based on the first generation of the 2nd version of the JAT3. The “local” folder was removed.

    The best thing to do is to use one of the themes and either edit it to your needs or duplicate one of them. If you’re only creating a single template style, then it make sense to use the main files from the template folder.

    – JAT3 Blank/css
    – JAT3 Blank/images

    These files refers to the default style (note: JAT3 installs with the red style as the default for all pages) in the framework backend and it’s css files always loads before any of the styles from the other themes’ css files. Use the themes’ style only for overwriting the default styles. It’s easier to maintain that way.

    Best regards,
    H. Winchester Lyon

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