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  • dsinor Friend

    t3_bs3. localhost site in development. Not online yet.

    I have a simple megamenu with one dropdown.

    The dropdown Heading is “Photos”. It’s submenus are “2014” and “2015”.

    “Photos” does not have a module assigned to it nor a page associated with it. It’s only a heading. Therefore I used Menu Heading for the “Photos” Menu Item type.

    I also customized the navbar to NOT show a button for active pages. I changed line 187 in navbar.less to “display: none;” .

    This customization works well. Example: there is no Home button on the navbar when the user is on the home page. This applies to all pages. Even better, the “Photos” button does appear on the navbar when the user is on the submenu 2014 or 2015 pages. This is a “good thing”.

    My problem: I would like to have a hover color for the Photos button, but I cannot do this with a Link CSS Style under the Link Type tab of “Photos”, because “Photos” is a Menu Heading Type, and that Type does not offer Link Type settings.

    I tried changing the “Photos” type to something other than Menu Heading, but when i do that, my earlier customization causes the “Photos” button to disappear when the user is on one of the sub 2014 or 2015 pages. I don’t want that to happen.

    I tried editing pluginssystemt3basecssmegamenu.css line 68, but it didn’t work.

    I tried every conceivable variable in variables.less, navbar.less, megamenu.less, and navigation.less, but I can’t find anything that gives me a hover color for a Menu Heading and the “good thing” functionality I described above.

    I’ve been conscientious with clear cache etc each time I make changes. Nothing has worked.

    Any suggestions?


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Hello @dsinor
    It would be helpful if you make the site live and add screenshot of the issue .
    Without checking the site its too hard to assume the problems for me .
    Once you will make the site live update me here with details , I will check it for you.

    dsinor Friend
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Revert the custom changes if you have done for this menu Item
    and add this css code in your custom.css file

    .nav > li > .separator:hover {
    background: #ffffd6
    color: #4d4dff

    Clear cache and check. Let me know if it helps

    dsinor Friend

    Hi & thanks.

    The site doesn’t use a custom.css.

    But your suggestion is still a starting point. I’ll have a look at the less files again next week. Thanks!

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Hi if there us no custom.css file then create it in your templates/ your ha template/css/custom.css .
    add code clear cache and check.
    let me know if ut help

    dsinor Friend

    Hi pankajsharma. Thanks again for your feedback. I appreciate it!

    This “hobby” site is my first php site.

    One goal was to learn joomla! and T3. When I started to understand T3, I developed a stubborn notion about how a “proper” design would not need a custom.css. If a beginner truly learns how T3 works, he should be able to do anything by learning LESS and working “within” the system instead of outside it. So that became a personal goal: no custom.css. It’s stubborn, but it’s also eloquent. 😉

    Scott Lavelle Friend

    I think that there are some elements that there simply isn’t a LESS variable for anywhere. I think I’ve seen where you can add a custom LESS file if you would prefer that to the custom.css. I personally use a lot of custom.css code for all sorts of things that may or may not exist in the LESS files as it is. Remember that a LOT of the LESS stuff is base bootstrap, so there are things in the T3 framework that wouldn’t be covered with it. One example of this would be the MegaMenu which doesn’t exist in the base bootstrap stuff.

    Scott Lavelle - Technical Resource Solutions, LLC
    Certified Joomla Administrator

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Hi dsinor
    Custom.css is used for custom changes . when there will be a template update you all custom changes in the core files willl be override .
    Here is doc for t3 customization
    Hello slave i suggest you to use custom.css . I will forward your feedback for custom.less file to development for further reviews on it .

    Thanks .

    dsinor Friend

    <em>@slavelle 460933 wrote:</em><blockquote>I think that there are some elements that there simply isn’t a LESS variable for anywhere. I think I’ve seen where you can add a custom LESS file if you would prefer that to the custom.css. I personally use a lot of custom.css code for all sorts of things that may or may not exist in the LESS files as it is. Remember that a LOT of the LESS stuff is base bootstrap, so there are things in the T3 framework that wouldn’t be covered with it. One example of this would be the MegaMenu which doesn’t exist in the base bootstrap stuff.</blockquote>

    Wow. How cool is that!

    My story:
    In December, I started playing with php and then joomla and then T3 in my spare time. Dev is just a hobby for me so I’m never proficient, and usually I only know enough to be dangerous. Anyway, I hit a T3 wall after a week and I was ready to drop it and just build a simple html site. But then I kept reading posts here and there that seemed to make sense, so I persevered a little longer and eventually I obtained my present level of “uninformed dangerous basher of T3”.

    Voila! Now I have a simple little site that works, and I even understand why it works. (mostly)
    I may even understand how to survive a template update without losing my customizations.

    Anyway, I NEVER would have made it past December if it weren’t for those “posts that made sense to me”, all of which were written by Scott Lavelle.

    How about that? The fact that you replied to a thread I started is somewhat of a personal full-circle thing for me.

    So this is my way of saying thanks. If you’ve written 219 posts, I bet I’ve read 150 of them. At one point, I was using this board just to search for your posts.


    I am justifiably compelled at this point to also offer sincere thanks the people responsible for the conception and evolution of T3. It has it’s quirks, but it is a spectacular endeavor. Offering it as open source with quite-good support is a generous contribution to the advancement of whatever science one would attribute to dissemination of information. In this day, that is a very broad statement. I am old enough to know this.

    I have benefited greatly from comments provided by jooservices, ninja lead, pankajsharma, saguaros, adam m, and gardner luna. I’m sure there are others, but these names jump to mind. Thanks to all!

    Lastly, I’ll just have to loosen up a bit on my custom.css hangup. 😎

    Regards to all.


    Scott Lavelle Friend

    Excellent! Glad to hear the time I spent typing up responses to things around here have been valuable to someone. Thanks for pointing it out 🙂

    Scott Lavelle - Technical Resource Solutions, LLC
    Certified Joomla Administrator

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