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  • conforturis Friend

    I cannot delete or edit jobs on backend.
    I select job and click delete I see a message “Successfully removed item!” but the job keeps stay in list.
    When I click for edit I see a new form without fields filled.
    What happen??? Last week every thing was ok!

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Conforturis,

    Did you customize this feature or upgrade it to the latest version ?

    I got your pm but the super admin account is wrong. Pls pm me with the updated info then i will check for you.


    conforturis Friend

    I am sorry. Now is ok. Please try now.

    HeR0 Friend


    I have just fixed the issue on the site. Could you tell me that you have upgraded this component from older version or got it newly installed ?


    conforturis Friend

    What change you did for fix it?
    I upgraded this component from older version 1.04 for new 1.05.

    HeR0 Friend

    In our demo site, it is still working well. I think that you missed to update some files. However, I solved this issue with small custom at this file administrator/…./views/jajobs/tmpl/default.php by the followings:

    [PHP]$item->id = $item->id_tmp[/PHP]
    $item->id = $item->id_tmp

    Pls try and let me know if it helps.


    conforturis Friend

    I updated this component in another site and I did not get this error.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  conforturis 11 years, 4 months ago.

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