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  • bdtec Friend

    I’ve created a site: which is based on ja_zibal template with Joomla 1.5.8.
    My Problem is: I’ve already use the Transmenu of the template with the top menu. Now I want to use Split menu with a custom menu module .
    How can i DO that?

    And another thing which is not related to JA.
    I’ve placed Yahoo key, to validate account. not it shows error..
    [ ]
    How can i fix it.?

    rhand Friend

    <em>@bdtec 108338 wrote:</em><blockquote>I’ve created a site: which is based on ja_zibal template with Joomla 1.5.8.
    My Problem is: I’ve already use the Transmenu of the template with the top menu. Now I want to use Split menu with a custom menu module .
    How can i DO that?
    I don’t follow you. Do you want to use Split menu instead of Transmenu?
    And another thing which is not related to JA.
    I’ve placed Yahoo key, to validate account. not it shows error..
    [ ]
    How can i fix it.?</blockquote>

    Well fix the added code for the yahoo key. Don’t use upper-case in xhtml for instance.

    bdtec Friend

    I’ve created a custom menu module, where i want to use the split menu. I’ve already use the Transmenu. I want use the two menu style running at the same time with different menu module. Is it possible?

    And about the Yahoo key… I’m not good with programming… are you mentioning to use the word “meta” instead of “META” as this word is upper-case.?

    rhand Friend

    <em>@bdtec 108361 wrote:</em><blockquote>I’ve created a custom menu module, where i want to use the split menu. I’ve already use the Transmenu. I want use the two menu style running at the same time with different menu module. Is it possible?
    Yes you can run two menu modules using different menu styling. You would have to add a second menu module and use the split menu style.
    And about the Yahoo key… I’m not good with programming… are you mentioning to use the word “meta” instead of “META” as this word is upper-case.?</blockquote>

    Yes, use lower-case instead of UPPER-CASE for xhtml pages.

    bdtec Friend

    Thanks a lot. Ya.. the “meta” is working well.
    Now its showing:
    ” This document was successfully checked as XHTML 1.0 Transitional!”
    Thanks you again.

    rhand Friend

    Glad to hear that!

    bdtec Friend

    I’ve created a custom menu module named “Articles” and want to add splitmenu there.
    what i need to do for that?
    Anything have to add with : Menu Class Suffix or Module Class Suffix ? from the parameter? whats that?

    rhand Friend

    You need to make sure ja.splitmenu.css is loaded. So you need to include the css file in the index.php. Now only ja.transmenu.css is loaded in index.php (Joomlart menu option choice)Then you need to add the jasplitmenu id to the article module. This can be done in the administration. So this requires some editing.

    bdtec Friend

    if there is any way to do it easily… then it would be helpful.

    rhand Friend

    Not that I know of Bdtec. But maybe there is someone else on the forum who has some better option to offer. I also learn new things every day.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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