Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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  • sharpdome Friend

    Does JB support Community Builder or AlphaRegistration or JomSocial or other registration modules/components?

    Or must you use the registration module/component that is part of JB?

    Any advantages/disadvantages to using something other than the JB login/registration?

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear sharpdome

    When an user register with a component in Joomla site, the component must create an user for Joomla with general information (Name, UserName, Password, TimeZone, Language…) and other information for that component to use.

    Like that, when an user register with JAJobBoard component, JAJobBoard will create an user for Joomla, and other details for Profile (Employer) and Resume(JobSeeker) to use.

    When one user registered with Community Builder or AlphaRegistration or JomSocial, if they login to JAJobBoard component (with JAJobBoard Menu Module), they must choose their account: Employer/JobSeeker and update their Profile/Resume details.

    Now, JAJobBoard have a plugin to sync users data between JomSocial and JAJobBoard.

    sharpdome Friend

    Can a user choose employer or jobseeker if they register with JomSocial and your plugin is installed?

    Or does registering with JomSocial force the user to select their role after they register as an additional step?

    Any plans for a CB plugin similar to the one you’ve created for JomSocial?

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear sharpdome

    In JomSocial, you can add a custom field that user must choose they are jobseeker or employer. JAJB JomSocial plugin have a config to allow create employer/jobseeker by what that they choose.

    For CB plugin, we will have to first get substantial requests. More the requests, it would be easy to move up in the development road map.

    missioneyes Friend


    I also need to have a CB plugin. Is this any closer?



    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Hello missioneyes,

    I have replied you in this thread

    Please have a look

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Thanh Nguyen Viet 11 years, 8 months ago.

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