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  • okulo Friend

    It was asked some time ago for a detailed Teline II to Teline III tutotial and some time before that somebody posted a thread entitled. ‘Migration from Teline II.

    As I was going away for a couple of weeks just as Teline III was being released, I thought I would wait until I got in front of my own computer before I seriously contemplated installing Teline III.

    Now I’m back and checking the forum for some kind of a clue where to begin and all I can find are comments which seem to suggest how preposterous it is to imagine changing from Teline II to Teline III without completely starting from scratch and rebuilding the site from the ground up.

    OK, so I was naive when I impatiently started work on my site using Teline II instead of waiting a month before Teline III was released. There are about 120 articles on my site. I have backed up the database and installed Teline III to a separate directory – just to be safe – as I attempt this delicate operation.

    Evidently, there is going to be no tutorial but I am sure that a little friendly advice would be hugely appreciated by one or two people who want to migrate.

    Surely, somebody has done this – or has everybody who is using Teline III started from scratch?

    I, for one, would be extremely grateful.

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Dear okulo,

    Teline ii and Teline iii are just templates. Question of migration does not arise. You will have to re-adapt your teline iii template to your site.

    Teline iii is not a version of teline ii. Its a new template. So install it and configure it.


    okulo Friend

    Thanks, but that’s not very helpful.

    Why should the word migration not apply? If I am using Teline II and I want to start using Teline III what word should I use?

    I have tried doing as you say in several different ways but to be honest, it’s a mess. It’s very disappointing that whenever anybody asks a question about this they get zero helpful advice. The replies are either, like yours, indifferent or detached from the difficulties which a user is experiencing – or like others, condescending, as if beginners have no right to even contemplate such a thing. Forgive me for pointing this out, but those who have asked for advice, by dint of the fact that they have access to this part of the forum, are paying customers. And to mark the question as ‘Answered’ without actually saying anything remotely helpful or asking me if I felt the question had been answered, is, if you don’t mind me saying it, rather rude.

    As I said in my original post:

    Evidently, there is going to be no tutorial but I am sure that a little friendly advice would be hugely appreciated by one or two people who want to migrate.</blockquote>
    I have come to terms with the fact that there is not going to be any official support in doing this, that’s why the post was aimed at other users who may like to share their experience when they (migrated/changed/moved/upgraded) from Teline II to Teline III.

    If the support team don’t feel like offering support or advice, perhaps fellow novices would like to discuss their experiences and should be given the means to do so without their questions being obfuscated.

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Dear okulo,

    Yes it is disheartening, but let me try to clear it once again, Teline ii and Teline III are different templates. So Migration word does not apply.

    You will have to install teline iii, extensions and configure it. Just look at it this way >> you are changing the templates and not the versions. the extensions are different, config options are different, framework is different.

    I do understand its difficult to redo a template setup on site from scratch. Its not the question of official support denied, its not possible to have a migration script between two templates, which are so vastly different.

    Thanks for your understanding.


    okulo Friend

    I’m not asking for a script – just some open discussion between people who have experience.

    For example, is it advisable to simply install the template or install the quickstart?

    I have tried both methods and have found myself with elements missing/duplicated/displaced.

    Is there a way to prepare articles which have already been posted?

    Depending on the method attempted above, images appear to need resizing and section/categories appear to be ignored.

    Is there a way to prepare the database?

    Using phpMyAdmin, I have tried to create a duplicate database to practice on and I’ve also tried installing the sample data and importing my articles from the duplicate. Neither has been particularly successful.

    Is it possible to install the modules from Teline III in Teline II? Would this be helpful when installing Teline III?

    I have tried this but Teline III modules don’t appear in the Module Manager in Teline II.

    To re-iterate, I’m not asking for a walkthrough, just some discussion between people who are shifting from using one template to the other – and I cannot believe that I am the only one.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  okulo 14 years, 8 months ago.

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