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  • linnea Friend

    Hi there,

    I have been building a slideshow for my website using the ACM block slideshow with style-3. I would like to add a button class so that my links show up a bit better but am not sure where to find this information. I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction of the proper instructions. Thanks!

    polo974 Friend


    You can use the button class field located here :

    In this field you can put every button class used in uber (like “btn btn-primary”, “btn btn-rounded btn-warning” etc…) or create your own style and put in a custom.css file…

    1. ScreenClip
    linnea Friend

    Ok, thank you. I guess I was wondering if there was a list of all the button classes somewhere in the Uber documentation. I have been looking at the Uber Demo Typo page but it seems a bit clumsy to have to inspect the element in my browser to find out the class. But maybe that’s the only way to do it?

    polo974 Friend

    In variable.less file in your template folder you have this :

    // Buttons
    // -------------------------

    @btn-font-weight: @font-weight-normal;

    @btn-default-color: #fff
    @btn-default-bg: @gray-dark;
    @btn-default-border: darken @gray-dark, 5%);

    @btn-primary-color: #fff
    @btn-primary-bg: @brand-primary;
    @btn-primary-border: @brand-primary;

    @btn-success-color: #fff
    @btn-success-bg: @brand-success;
    @btn-success-border: darken(@btn-success-bg, 5%);

    @btn-warning-color: #fff
    @btn-warning-bg: @brand-warning;
    @btn-warning-border: darken(@btn-warning-bg, 5%);

    @btn-danger-color: #fff
    @btn-danger-bg: @brand-danger;
    @btn-danger-border: darken(@btn-danger-bg, 5%);

    @btn-info-color: #fff
    @btn-info-bg: @brand-info;
    @btn-info-border: darken(@btn-info-bg, 5%);

    // T3 Note: Add "Inverse" style for Button
    @btn-inverse-color: @gray-dark;
    @btn-inverse-bg: rgba(225,225,225,0.9);
    @btn-inverse-border: transparent;

    @btn-link-disabled-color: @gray-light;

    @btn-rounded-radius: @t3-global-padding;
    @btn-rounded-lg-radius: @btn-rounded-radius * 2;

    @btn-border-width: 3px;

    which can give you an overview of the button existing in uber, but you have to “understand” less language (it’s pretty much like CSS ).

    You can also make many custom buttons with this :

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  polo974 8 years, 11 months ago.

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