artcop Friend

The titles have always been disabled in this case via all config settings.

It’s also worthy of noting here that when this code is not commented out, but titles are disabled, there appears a stray close h2 div, for example:

<!– CONTENT –>
<div id=”ja-main” style=”width:70%”>
<div class=”inner clearfix”>

<div id=”ja-contentwrap” class=””>

<div id=”ja-content” class=”column” style=”width:100%”>

<div id=”ja-current-content” class=”column” style=”width:100%”>

<div class=”ja-content-main clearfix”>


<div class=”article-content”>

This is actually why I thought there may be a bug. It looks like the h2 close div is outside the loop, but I don’t know PHP that well.