Joomla 3

Joomla Admin Template - JA Admin is designed with improved UI & UX and additional advanced features to manage your Joomla backend with ease. Administrator can build profile dashboard for each backend user groups. The profile dashboard is easy to manage: enable or disable any admin module or quick links. The Search feature helps you find and access any element inside the admin panel. Best of all, its now very easy to whitelabel Joomla Backend and control who gets to see what in the backend.

New features and preset modules support for popular extensions are also present.


Joomla search component - K2 Filter for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3 has been recently updated with some improvements, bug fixes and new features.

Here are a few new features:

  • Select which "Extra Fields" to show in results page
  • New Reset button available for the search form
  • More options on Keyword search mode (such as exact phrase, match any words/ all words)
  • Adding setting to whether or not displaying the ordering box in the search form

Joomla search component K2 Filter version 1.1.0 is out, now compatible with Joomla 3.2 and has new features, improvements along with bug fixes.

What are the new features of K2 Filter?

  • Display Extra field option in alphabetical order
  • Option to order K2 Extra Field Groups
  • More field type options for standard search fields
  • 3 modes for keyword search: extract phrase, all words, any word
  • Support URL of Ajax filter result page

We have upgraded the powerful Joomla template framework - T3 Framework 2.0.2 to the latest version of Joomla 3.2.1 and Joomla 2.5.17.

In case you are new to T3, here are some key features of this Joomla framework:

  • Fully Responsive
  • HTML5, Bootstrap 3 and LESS
  • Comes with 2 starter themes
  • Flat design
  • Supports Megamenu and Off-canvas
  • Flexible layout system
  • Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3 native
  • Supports Real Time Theme Customization
  • Supports Font Awesome 3 & 4

In this update, we have included numerous bug fixes with two improvements. Those are:

  • Add condition to load old javascript only in Joomla 2.5.x
  • Add gutter width on thememagic for T3 B3 Blank template


Joomla template framework for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0 - T3 Framework has been upgraded to its latest version 2.1.1 to support Joomla 3.2.2 and Joomla 2.5.18 with new features, improvement and important bug fixes.

What is new in T3 Framework version 2.1.1?

  • Extend JLayout in Joomla version 2.5 for layout overrides
  • Added Italian translation package
  • Base-bs3 folder has been updated to Bootstrap v3.1.0
  • Update Less PHP Builder v1.6.1
  • Update Respond js

Warning: Please remember to ALWAYS take due back-up to your site before proceeding to any of the update to Joomla 3.2. Also take in consideration that some of our products are not yet compatible with Joomla 3.2 and we are still working on the upgrading process. We shall give you a heads up when everything is ready.

Joomla 3.2 stable release is finally here after its first public testing release since October 11th, 2013. Then, what's new in Joomla! 3.2?

We put those new features in a quick infographic, so you can share it with your friends to spread the news on Joomla 3.2. It's always something new for everyone!


Introducing Joomla Business template JA Ores, JoomlArt hands over to you a versatile template, accompanied by striking and elegant 08 light themes and 08 dark themes.

Added as a new cut, you will find JA Comment ready in JA Ores demo, a snapshot convincing you on full-functioned and ease-to-use comment stuffs needed for a Joomla site.

Deployed on our popular T3 framework, we have quite no hassle to style JA Bulletin, JA Sidenews, JA Slideshows, JA Content Slider, JA Twitter and, JA Newsticker (modules).


Say hello to JA Magz - the awesome October Responsive Joomla template for News & Magazine on both Joomla 2.5 & Joomla 3. Here are the 4 reasons why JA Magz is the bomb:

  1. Supports over 41 languages (Bing translation)
  2. JA Magz is extremely customization friendly
  3. Fully responsive, supports EasyBlog and RTL language layout
  4. Enhance productive collaboration and content sharing

All you movie enthusiasts can now have your own movie review Joomla Template JA Anion gives you the preset style for a movie site running on Joomla! & K2. JA Anion is complemented with 6 modules: JA Slideshow 2, JA Tabs, JA ContentSlider, JA Twitter, JA Sidenews & JA Bulletin modules.

K2 component support, Multi layouts and 12 color options (06 light & 06 dark) make JA Anion a Box Office Hit...

JA Anion is running our latest T3 Framework Version 2 which is more powerful than ever with user level template overrides and much more...


JA Rave is Political Joomla Template for politics, campaigns, elections and can even be used for personal or corporate joomla websites. JA Rave - an elegant simple template to suit all tastes comes with style support for K2 and JA Comment Component. Rich Typography, 9 layout options and 4 colors are what JA Rave has for you.

It comes bundled with 6 complimentary extensions, to make the task easier. Elegant slideshow module, simple tabs, cool popup gallery plugin shall help you arrange your content efficiently.


Time flies and I can't imagine that it is already 7 years since our Purity template was chosen to be the winner of Joomla 1.5 template contest. The template was later selected to be included into the core of Joomla 1.5. Purity has been the most successful template so far because of its simplicity yet flexibility. It does not look fancy, but it works seamlessly with any type of content you come up with.


JA Portfolio is Real Estate showcase Joomla Template comes with newly developed JA Contentslider 2 module along with JA LoadModule plugin as complimentary extensions.

JA Amazon S3 component (JAEC Only) and JA K2 Search & Filter module are also being unveiled along with this template. JA Amazon S3 Component will help in placing the showcase images or images across your joomla site to the amazon cloud service & auto-updating image links, so that your site can load faster. Whereas, JA K2 Search and Filter Module gives you the feature to search for articles/ items based on extra-field settings in K2.
