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  • joomboom Friend

    Hi all,

    Just wanted to provide a resolution for a problem that has been very hard to resolve for me until I found this on forums:

    If your users forget their passwords and try to reset them, they might be getting an “invalid token” message because most templates are missing vital piece of info under template_name/html/com_user/reset/confirm.php that has been included and described here:

    Just add this code per the description in the link and you should be all set – it worked for me!

    <tr> <td height=”40″>
    <label for=”username” class=”hasTip” title=”<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_USERNAME_TIP_TITLE’); ?>::<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_USERNAME_TIP_TEXT’); ?>”><?php echo JText::_(‘User Name’); ?>:</label>
    </td><td> <input id=”username” name=”username” type=”text” class=”required” size=”36″ />

    P.S. Maybe Joomlart might want to add the above to their templates. Thanks

    sandstorm871 Friend

    Can JA, please address this, just noticed it in Zeolite II and a couple of other templates. All using latest version.

    Khanh Le Moderator

    The confirm.php layout is overridden by template and not update when joomla update it. The easiest way to fix the problem is remove that layout from template.

    sandstorm871 Friend

    Great Avatar Khanh le – LOL!:laugh:

    So I can just delete the confirm.php file from the template folders??

    If this is the cas why does JA add in this layout, if it obviously doesnt work?

    Khanh Le Moderator

    It was added and worked at that time. Now joomla updated and that file was not. We will update our package to remove such files.

    stuarta60 Friend


    Just FYI if the template uses T3 framework the filepath to edit the confirm.php file is;



    Sami Mattila Friend


    I have deleted the file from the

    but no change in the problem. Still giving Token error message when trying to reset password.

    How can this be corrected?


    joomboom Friend

    I wouldn’t delete anything – just follow the Joomla recommendation – I listed in the top thread with a details description. It works. Clean your cache and test. You shouldn’t have any issues:)

    Sami Mattila Friend


    I have that part added in the pluging in: /plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/html/com_user/reset
    Still token invalid error comes.

    The comfirm.php looks now like this:


    defined(‘_JEXEC’) or die(‘Restricted access’);


    <h1 class=”componentheading”>

    <?php echo JText::_(‘Confirm your Account’); ?>


    <form action=”<?php echo JRoute::_( ‘index.php?option=com_user&task=confirmreset’ ); ?>” method=”post” class=”josForm form-validate”>

    <table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ border=”0″ width=”100%” class=”contentpane”>


    <td colspan=”2″ height=”40″>

    <p><?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_DESCRIPTION’); ?></p>




    <td height=”40″>

    <label for=”username” class=”hasTip” title=”<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_USERNAME_TIP_TITLE’); ?>::<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_USERNAME_TIP_TEXT’); ?>”><?php echo JText::_(‘User Name’); ?>:</label>



    <input id=”username” name=”username” type=”text” class=”required” size=”36″ />




    <td height=”40″>

    <label for=”token” class=”hasTip” title=”<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_TIP_TITLE’); ?>::<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_TIP_TEXT’); ?>”><?php echo JText::_(‘Token’); ?>:</label>



    <input id=”token” name=”token” type=”text” class=”required” size=”36″ />




    <button type=”submit” class=”validate”><?php echo JText::_(‘Submit’); ?></button>

    <?php echo JHTML::_( ‘form.token’ ); ?>


    So what is still wrong? I don’t do coding so I don’t do. Any ideas?


    2hmg Friend

    <em>@icinfo 206384 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    I have that part added in the pluging in: /plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/html/com_user/reset
    Still token invalid error comes.

    So what is still wrong? I don’t do coding so I don’t do. Any ideas?



    Hi Amy,

    I Have used this and that works like a charm..



    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

    <h1 class="componentheading">
    <?php echo JText::_('Confirm your Account'); ?>

    <form action="<?php echo JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_user&task=confirmreset' ); ?>" method="post" class="josForm form-validate">
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="contentpane">
    <td colspan="2" height="40">
    <p><?php echo JText::_('RESET_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_DESCRIPTION'); ?></p>
    <td height="40">
    <label for="username" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_('RESET_PASSWORD_USERNAME_TIP_TITLE'); ?>::<?php echo JText::_('RESET_PASSWORD_USERNAME_TIP_TEXT'); ?>"><?php echo JText::_('User Name'); ?>:</label>
    <input id="username" name="username" type="text" class="required" size="36" />

    <td height="40">
    <label for="token" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_('RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_TIP_TITLE'); ?>::<?php echo JText::_('RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_TIP_TEXT'); ?>"><?php echo JText::_('Token'); ?>:</label>
    <input id="token" name="token" type="text" class="required" size="36" />

    <button type="submit" class="validate"><?php echo JText::_('Submit'); ?></button>
    <?php echo JHTML::_( 'form.token' ); ?>


    Sami Mattila Friend


    it was the same I had earlier but just incase something was wrong with it I updated the file anyway. Still the same problem:


    * Your password reset confirmation failed because the token was invalid..


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello all!

    Please follow the guide in here to resolve the issue

    mongela Friend

    <em>@tienhc 208416 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello all!

    Please follow the guide in here to resolve the issue</blockquote>

    We’re having this issue and have changed the code in reset.php with no change.

    mongela Friend

    <em>@2hmg 207327 wrote:</em><blockquote>@icinfo,

    Hi Amy,

    I Have used this and that works like a charm..



    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

    <h1 class="componentheading">
    <?php echo JText::_('Confirm your Account'); ?>

    <form action="<?php echo JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_user&task=confirmreset' ); ?>" method="post" class="josForm form-validate">
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="contentpane">
    <td colspan="2" height="40">
    <p><?php echo JText::_('RESET_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_DESCRIPTION'); ?></p>
    <td height="40">
    <label for="username" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_('RESET_PASSWORD_USERNAME_TIP_TITLE'); ?>::<?php echo JText::_('RESET_PASSWORD_USERNAME_TIP_TEXT'); ?>"><?php echo JText::_('User Name'); ?>:</label>
    <input id="username" name="username" type="text" class="required" size="36" />

    <td height="40">
    <label for="token" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_('RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_TIP_TITLE'); ?>::<?php echo JText::_('RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_TIP_TEXT'); ?>"><?php echo JText::_('Token'); ?>:</label>
    <input id="token" name="token" type="text" class="required" size="36" />

    <button type="submit" class="validate"><?php echo JText::_('Submit'); ?></button>
    <?php echo JHTML::_( 'form.token' ); ?>


    Thanks Martin!

    We have a subscription site using Teline III v2 and was tearing my hair out on this one. Thought maybe OSE Membership Control was causing issues, but following the specific path (/plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/html/com_user/reset) and pasting in this code did the trick!

    smitheringale Friend

    I haven’t read through this thread but I think this helped me solve that problem on ja_portfolio: –

    password reset issue in ja_portfolio

    In this case you can go to the file of

    replace this block of code

    <td height=”40″>
    <label for=”token” class=”hasTip” title=”<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_TIP_TITLE’); ?>::<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_TIP_TEXT’); ?>”><?php echo JText::_(‘Token’); ?>:</label>
    <input id=”token” name=”token” type=”text” class=”required” size=”36″ />

    with this block of code

    <td height=”40″>
    <label for=”username” class=”hasTip” title=”<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_USERNAME_TIP_TITLE’); ?>::<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_USERNAME_TIP_TEXT’); ?>”><?php echo JText::_(‘User Name’); ?>:</label>
    <input id=”username” name=”username” type=”text” class=”required” size=”36″ />
    <td height=”40″>
    <label for=”token” class=”hasTip” title=”<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_TIP_TITLE’); ?>::<?php echo JText::_(‘RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_TIP_TEXT’); ?>”><?php echo JText::_(‘Token’); ?>:</label>
    <input id=”token” name=”token” type=”text” class=”required” size=”36″ />

    <em>@mongela 214587 wrote:</em><blockquote>We’re having this issue and have changed the code in reset.php with no change.</blockquote>

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

This topic contains 21 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 11 years, 7 months ago.

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