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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    Hi everyone,

    Today I am very honored to introduce to all of you our new JA moderator – Phill luckhurst

    Phil is well known to all of us and is one of the top 10 thanked person in JA forums. Its a Pleasure to assign an enhanced helping role to Mr. Phil. I checked of which Phil is a Dev member and after spending bit of time in the forums, I would like to say that Mr. Phil can be blunt at times in his replies but for good reasons. Hope to see more (good) out of him here.

    Let’s welcome Phil Luckhurst and discover more about his normal life, his dedication to Joomla & JoomlArt community and why he is a good match for the position of JA moderator.

    1. Hi, can you introduce us a little about you?

    I’m Phill. I’m 37 and have spent the last 8 years working in IT for Fujitsu Services but that may soon change.

    2. How and when did you meet Joomla and JoomlArt?

    I came across Joomla by accident. I am a member of the Dev team on and often saw people requesting a bridge for Joomla so I investigated. I was suprised by just how good it was and quickly got into working with it. After a long time using various templates I cam accross the excellent JA-Fagus and built a site using it. From then on I have always been impressed by JA’s templates.

    3. Have you used other CMS? Why you choose Joomla? What do you like best in Joomla?

    Over the years I have tried various CMS systems but few have the ease of use and expandability of Joomla. If I build a site for someone with little web skills I want them enjoy updating their site and Joomla allows me to do just that and with minimal training from me.

    4. There are a lot of Joomla template providers out there, why is JoomlArt your decision?

    As I said before, JA-Fagus really caught my eye and was leaps ahead of the competition at the time. That was with Joomla 1.0 and when the time came to update to 1.5, JA Zinc had just been released and really floated my boat.

    5. And what template do you think it’s best in JA portfolio up to now?

    That is a really hard question. There are plenty that I like and have/plan to use such as Fagus, Zinc, Quartz and Lead. I often find myself using elements from one in another, such as the frontpage layout etc. To pick one would be really hard.

    6. If you were the Leader of JA team, what is the first you thing you want to change in the templates, extensions?

    I would improve the manuals and have them included in the template. I am often working on the move and without broadband so if need arose to look at the manual I would be stuffed.
    As for the manulas themselves with a little effort they could be improved no end. The better the manual the less time you have to spend helping users.

    7. What kind of the design you wanna to see in the coming time?

    I like templates that are easy to adjust to my needs. I’m no graphic artist so graphical modifications take me a lot of time and effort. Some templates make this a lot easier by not having too much in the way of fancy effects and graphics. Unlike some other clubs, JA usually get this balance right and hopefully will continue to do so.

    8. Why do you want to be JA forum’s moderator?

    I spend quite a bit of time on the forum’s so why not utilise that time by helping others. In the process I too can learn a lot. It is a win win situation.

    9. How do you plan to balance your full time work and supporting at JA forum as a moderator?

    Being in IT support I have loads of spare time. I only really work when things go wrong and then things can get very hard but most of the time I have a relaxed attitude to work.

    10 Are you keen on any type of soft drinks while you are at keyboard? Do you smoke? πŸ˜›

    I’m always spilling drinks on keyboards. I reckon I go through at least 1 keyboard a month. Coke really can destroy a keyboard. Fortunately, I’ve never even tried smoking. It always seemed a bit pointless to me. Alcohol on the other hand…

    11. What do you do at your free time? Any special hobbies?

    Hobbies? Erm, Windsurfing, photography, windsurfing photography and windsurfing. Oh, Did I mention windsurfing? I’m not obsessed, honest.

    12. What is your current employment status (what do you do)?

    I currently work in IT support dealing with everything from servers to networks and right down to the basic desktop items. I also train others in some of the more complex areas of the job.

    13. What would you name as the achievement you are most proud of in your life to date?

    My two kids, what more can I say.

    14. And finally, how about your marital status?

    Shirley, my wife is a nurse. It can be interesting at times as it is a really hard and emotional career though rewarding.

    Wishing you all the best for your new role.

    Hung Dinh


    Also read the Interview with Bennitos and Scotty, our other two new Moderators.


    mihirc Friend

    Best of luck Phil!!!


    questbg Friend

    Congratulations Phill … good luck in your new role.

    santoshalom Friend

    Congratulations Phill

    zipper Friend

    Good luck with your new ‘Job’ Phill !

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hobbies? Erm, Windsurfing, photography, windsurfing photography and windsurfing. Oh, Did I mention windsurfing? I’m not obsessed, honest.

    I wonder how could you miss mentioning windsurfing? :p. Welcome aboard Mate.


    cgc0202 Friend

    Thanks for taking the time to help, Phil. — Cornelio

    Michael Casha Friend

    Congratulations Phill!

    Phill Moderator

    Cheers for all the nice comments guys. I can assure you that I will not be quite as blunt on here unless you deserve it;).

    Right, I’m off windsurfing.

    scotty Friend

    Congrats Phill!

    bennitos Friend

    Congratulations Phill, nice to be working with you!

    wiery Friend

    Congrats to Phil! great to have some new moderators. πŸ˜€

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