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  • marcsummers Friend

    A few of my clients have reported this error since I updated my template to this wonderful one….

    Internet explorer cannot open the internet site
    operation aborted.

    I cannot see what i did wrong.

    Anyone else have this problem – or better still a solution?


    Sherlock Friend

    I think that error because conflict javascipt, plz try to unpublish mod_ajaxlisting and mod_whoonlinenext, I think your site will okie on IE.

    paycheck Friend

    <em>@nguoiabcd 45707 wrote:</em><blockquote>I think that error because conflict javascipt, plz try to unpublish mod_ajaxlisting and mod_whoonlinenext, I think your site will okie on IE.</blockquote>
    Has anyone solved this problem for sure. we paid for teh avian template and I think the solution should be more than un-publishing items from teh site which on my site I need the whosonline etc.

    A bit of direction is appreciated.

    I am using Joomla 1.4.3 and the JAAvian Dark template here

    Fine in Firefox, but as usual, the united airlines of browsers (IE) screws everything up.

    iedwards Friend

    I am seeing a similar problem, it works fine in Firefox, IE6 and IE7 on my systems but some of my users with IE7 are getting the error

    Siberiantiger Friend

    I also got this problem. I am using a component called PollXT from Looks like when i unpublish this component, the page looks ok again. But this is no solution.. I think this problem is related to how the template is written. Espacially since changing template makes this problem go away (with the component published successfully)

    Someone says this problem is related to

    If so, could anyone find a solution?!

    iedwards Friend

    The link to macadamian is helpful thanks. I am starting to suspect that this problem only occurs on Vista as I can’t replicate it with IE6 or 7 on XP, can anybody confirm this?

    Siberiantiger Friend

    That is not correct. I am using XP on 3 computers. All computers have IE7 and all got problems showing the page. Please set default settings and delete all cookies and temp files in the browser and start the page again.

    lorienm Friend

    I continuously get a javascript alert box in IE 6 in which I keep having to hit ok. any suggestions., HELP

    mauriziotroilo Friend

    I think i’ve fixed this problem.

    You can see the solution here:

    By the way, that’s the text of my solution:


    Basicly, i deleted almost every javascript i founded in index.php and index2.php

    I specify that i don’t use the fancy horizontal menu…i think that the problems with IE are related to that menu…in fact, now that i’ve done my changes, the website look the same that looked before, because i’ve never used the horizontal menu.
    I commented it as soon as i started customizing the template.
    I don’t use the template tools too…i mean….color/style changer and font dimension changer that went on top left. I disabled them setting “usertool=0” in params.ini and i’m quite sure i’ve deleted their part of code in index.php too…

    So, no horizontal menu and no template tools.

    Now let’s go to the point.


    This is what i deleted from index.php:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl();?>/scripts/ja.script.js"></script>

    <?php $tmpTools->genMenuHead(); ?>

    <?php //Include Slimbox ?>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl();?>/slimbox/js/slimbox.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl();?>/slimbox/css/slimbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="modules/mod_janewslight/ja_newslight/ja-newslight.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

    <div id="ja-mainnav">

    //Gen menu for CSS, MOO
    //Gen first level menu for Split, Dropline
    $jamenu->genMenu (0);

    <?php if ($this->countModules('ja-qj')) { ?>
    <div id="ja-qj">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="ja-qj" style="raw" />
    <?php } ?>



    This is what i deleted from index2.php:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/scripts/mootools.v1.1.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/scripts/ja.script.js"></script>

    <?php //Include Slimbox ?>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/slimbox/js/slimbox.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/slimbox/css/slimbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

    <?php genMenuHead(); ?>


    That’s all.
    I made a lot of tests and without this code my template works fine on IE6 and IE7, with all the modules i want enabled.

    I’m not sure that all this code must be deleted to make the template work, but i’m sure that without it everything works. So, i’ll keep it as it is right now.

    My template still looks as it was before….i mean, i can’t see any differences….the good looking legacy menu it’s still there too (i’ve kept the default param “ja_menu=2”).

    I hope this could be usefull for all the JA users that have the same problem.
    You just have to do not use the horizontal menu and (maybe) the website color and font tools. I think it’s a good compromise 🙂

    I someone wants my complete index.php and index2.php can send me an email:


    robarwebservices Friend

    This is unacceptable.
    SUPPORT – PLEASE ANSWER THIS IN THE INSTALLATION GUIDE. IT IS CLEARLY AN ISSUE. “removing code blocks” is NOT an acceptable resolution.

    I’m a paying customer, and can tell you that this is absolutely unacceptable.

    Bernardo de Kreij Friend

    i’ve breen breaking my head over this also with the zeolite template…
    The problem still persists….

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear robarwebservices,

    I terrible sorry you about this case , I have viewed url of this thread : and but can’t see the problem , please kindly send live URL, if possible FTP account of your site so we can have a closer look on the problem and debug it for you, we can’t solve it if can’t see it.

    vikingmark Friend

    I’m getting the same error! Not happy! 8(

    ShannonN Friend

    paycheck;48927Has anyone solved this problem for sure. we paid for teh avian template and I think the solution should be more than un-publishing items from teh site which on my site I need the whosonline etc.

    A bit of direction is appreciated.

    I am using Joomla 1.4.3 and the JAAvian Dark template here

    Fine in Firefox, but as usual, the united airlines of browsers (IE) screws everything up.

    all I see at that site is a std web page with Project seven css etc and lots of spelling mistakes 🙂

    gmathes8 Friend

    I was having the same problem with my site and it was extremely annoying. For me it mainly happened when i was logged in or loggin in using IE6 or 7. So all I did was delete all my login modules and download a different one.

    I used
    (although there are a few others)

    I haven’t had the problem happen again….yet. Depending on the template you are using (I was using Cooper) you wont have the popup or whatever login, but I had problems with that anyway so I was actually glad to have a normal login regardless cuz people couldn’t find the one at the top of the screen. I don’t know if this is what is causing anyone elses problem but its an easy thing to try out. Good Luck.

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