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  • cokumbo75 Friend


    Thanks a lot again for your support. I feel that I’m up to get a very professionnal, suitable to my needs, website thanks to you.

    May I ask you another service please !

    As indicated in the thread title, I need to present a tab (a multi Tab ?!) on the right upper corner of my website (under JA-Iris template) as it is in JA-Teline template.

    But for now it is not possible for me to have such a Tab cause it is not implemnted in JA-Iris template.

    Would you please give me the process and the codes to be implemented in my Ja-Iris template as you did for me for Ja-news ?

    My website is :


    Khanh Le Moderator

    Implement the tab modules from Teline into Iris is not an easy and simple work. However, if you want to make a try, I have some suggestion for you:

    1. The tab module require the folder ja_module inside Teline template. You need copy this folder to Iris template.
    2. The css for tab modules is css/ja-tab-modules.css in Teline. Copy to Iris template.
    3. In the index.php, search and include ‘ja_module/ja_module_template.php’ (Search in Teline, copy to appropriate position in Iris)
    4. Include ja-tab-modules.css (similar to step 3).
    5. Search <div id=”ja-mascol”> and insert following code below it:

    //Check if using tab module -> include tab module css
    if (mosCountModules('ja-tab1') || mosCountModules('ja-tab2')) {
    $tabstyle = "";
    if (!mosCountModules('ja-tab1')) {
    $tabstyle = " ja-tab-top-border";
    if (!mosCountModules('ja-tab2')) {
    $tabstyle = " ja-tab-bottom-border";

    <div id="ja-tabswrap" class="clearfix">
    <?php if ( mosCountModules('ja-tab1')) { ?>
    <ul class="ja-tab-top">
    $tab_width = round(99.6/mosCountModules('ja-tab1'), 1);
    $ja_mod_template = '
    <li onmouseover="jashowtabcontent(this);" style="width:'.$tab_width.'%" class="ja-tab-li"><span>##TITLE##</span><div class="ja-tab-content">##CONTENT##</div></li>
    ja_modules_html::mosLoadModules('ja-tab1', $ja_mod_template);
    <?php } ?>
    <div class="ja-tab-contentwrap<?php echo $tabstyle;?>"><div id="ja-tab-content"> </div></div>
    <?php if ( mosCountModules('ja-tab2')) { ?>
    <ul class="ja-tab-bottom">
    $tab_width = round(99.6/mosCountModules('ja-tab2'), 1);
    $ja_mod_template = '
    <li onmouseover="jashowtabcontent(this);" style="width:'.$tab_width.'%" class="ja-tab-li"><span>##TITLE##</span><div class="ja-tab-content">##CONTENT##</div></li>
    ja_modules_html::mosLoadModules('ja-tab2', $ja_mod_template);
    <?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>

    6. Make some enhancement inside your css to fit your site.

    Hope it could help. 🙂

    ncrc Friend

    Make sure the module postitions in Template Administrator are there as well, ja-tab1, ja-tab2.

    cokumbo75 Friend

    Thanks I’ll try and come back for feed back

    Menalto Friend

    There is something missing in this i think,please respond on the progress when youre done?

    medy Friend


    I am trying to implement ja-tabs into ja_hedera. I have a problem at step “5. Search <div id=”ja-mascol”> and insert following code below it:” In Ja_hedera there is no div called “ja-mascol”

    So I inserted the code into Ja hedera “<!– BEGIN: COLUMNS –>” section…

    I got tabs displayed, but they don’t work and the layout is out. Could you please take a look at it and give some advice what to do next.
    The URL:


    medy Friend


    looks like this lines (or something similar) is missing in Khanh Le tutorial:

    <script type="text/javascript">

    I added that to my index.php, the tabs are now closed (they were open before) but the module still does not work…

    Menalto Friend

    Seems that something more is missing, give me some time to look at it

    medy Friend

    Thank you,
    Hope we can make it couple of days, because i have some deadlines 🙁

    I will countinue to investigate the issues myself

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  medy 16 years, 6 months ago.

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