Fantastic and thanks saguaros
The updated file helped and no longer see the errors in the quizzes.
However, after running a few more test, I noticed that the answers are showing for the student during exam.
In our previous ticket, we had it so the answer displays after they finish, like this:

At this time even during the exams the answers are given.
See the test site vs live site..
Even the live site isn't as setup properly for some reason, but it should appear like this:

The tiles were created with the help and thanks of @manhta
there were two files that were changed and I made note that any update I would replace the following files:
By the way, i did try to compare myself between the updated files and the files I am suppose to retain and replace everytime there is an update... Think that now, after being so long, it might be better to get a fresh clean updated file using the newer fiel structure, as this could be why we were having issues, huh?
For instance, the gurutask.php file difference between the one we are suppose to replace and the newer version in guru 6.2.1 seems to be substantial;
Most recent gurutask.php - from guru 6.2.1
Added Functions: 70 new functions; while over 69 functions present in the older file have been removed or significantly altered.
This would mean there was a sizeable update in the file's functionality, possibly including new features, improvements to existing ones, or a restructuring of how tasks are accomplished within the code
Also, the class declaration for guruModelguruTask shows a transition from extending JModelLegacy to BaseDatabaseModel, indicating a potential refinement in how database interactions are handled, moving towards a more modern base class provided by Joomla.
I don't much about this, but ran some datapoints and thought that could help you and perhaps help us in the future..
As we currently update several files in folders each time there is an update; so wondering if that could cause an issue in the longer-term if not brought up now.
I am leaving everything the way it is, as your the expert and I don't want to mess anything up. Even if this is just our test site, good to get it right so once complete I can save files that have been altered and use them when updating our live site...
Waiting for your feedback..
Thanks again