eagledk This should be in the template from the beginning
By default, the concept of template doesn't use this module in that page so it doesn't have style for it. It's simple style so you can try to add in custom css file.
eagledk Well for the colors to work I need to add this in the Custom.css.
You put the wrong syntax in the file: /templates/ja_festival/local/css/custom.css so it doesn't work, I updated for you
Regarding to the social media icons, they are from AddThis that you add script in Template >> Global Settings >> Custom code section. If you want to remove it entirely, you can edit this file:
Remove / comment this code:
<div class="col-12 col-lg-4 link-social">
<div class="sharing-content">
<div class="txt-share"><?php echo '<span>'. JText::_('TPL_SHARE_SOCIAL').'</span>'; ?></div>
<div id="share-social" class="share-social">
<div class="addthis_inline_share_toolbox_a78d"></div>