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  • Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    2015 is almost over, as most of our friends are busy with the holidays and season greetings, JoomlArt team is striving to prepare for the release of January template – JA Playstore, a responsive Joomla template for Game shop. Here are the sneak peeks of JA Playstore for your new year’s treat. 🙂

    JA Playstore’s essential features:

    • Built with T3 framework and Bootstrap 3
    • Support Megamenu
    • Fully responsive
    • Support VirtueMart component
    • Support Kunena forum component
    • Support Acymailing

    Sneak Peek 1: Home Page

    ja playstore home layout View the higher resolution Here

    Sneak Peek 2: Video Page

    ja playstore video layout View the higher resolution Here

    Sneak Peek 3: Forum Page

    ja playstore forum layout View the higher resolution Here

    Sneak Peek 4: News Page

    ja playstore news layout View the higher resolution Here

    Please note that all sneak peeks above are subject to change as the template’s implementation continues. So watch out! There will be more to add.

    If you have any proposals or suggestions on the template, please feel free to drop a line down below. We’d love to know.

    George Pitaru Friend

    Looking forward to seeing a light version of this beautiful store. White, with the option of removing the background for faster loading.

    empp Friend

    This is one of the most promising templates I have seen on any site in a very long time, at least for my needs. I can’t wait to see it in action.

    Kevin Friend

    Would be totally awesome if it supported JomSocial…;)

    unigene Friend

    Very nice one. I would also like a lighter version of this as well (instead of only dark).

    tecnolog Friend

    Elegant design but the subject is very dark, should take the example template from themeforest 🙂

    Just you give another look and is very well worked the design also with the blue background there is a style so dark.
    Good job!!!

    vecdom Friend

    K2 Styling?

    It would be nice if you would include styling for k2 so those of using it can take advantage of the template too.


    Arvind Chauhan Moderator


    @earthrat ,

    It should support JomSocial or easysocial by default, if you encounter bugs. let us know and we will get them fixed. Matching styles may be difficult to add as of now.

    @vecdom The requests for K2 styles have gone down in the past year and thats the reason we for now do not provide K2 styles by default. Still, let me talk to the team to see if it can be done in future versions.

    @unigene, Let me confirm with the team about the lighter version. Yes, a lighter version should also be there.



    chen2014 Friend


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