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  • ha le-viet Developer

    This readme has been updated. Please find new readme below:
    – Readme for Joomla 1.0
    – Readme for Joomla 1.5


    Found a small bug in SEF mode
    A small moofx roller bug in SEF mode was found. Please re-download or follow these instructions:

    – Open file index.php in the template folder.
    – Replace (line 152rd)

    <li><a href="#Prev" onclick="showPrev();clearRoll();" title="Previous">«</a></li>

    <li><a href="#Prev" onclick="showPrev();clearRoll();return false;" title="Previous">«</a></li>
    – Replace (line 164th)

    <li><a href="#Next" onclick="showNext();clearRoll();" title="Next">»</a></li>

    <li><a href="#Next" onclick="showNext();clearRoll();return false;" title="Next">»</a></li>
    – Replace (line 165th)

    <li><a href="#PP" onclick="playButtonClicked();" id="playButton">Pause</a></li>

    <li><a href="#PP" onclick="playButtonClicked();return false;" id="playButton">Pause</a></li>
    – Open file ja.moo.roller.config.js in the scripts folder
    – Add “return false;” after (line 58th)

    clickers.className = clickerClass + activeSuffix;
    isShowing = current;

    return false; // <- new line added

    This bug caused by the base URL place in joomla core. Redownload or apply the patch and it’s gone.

    Ha Le-Viet.

    ha le-viet Developer

    A missing feature is found in the CSS Menu. An external URL will now behave correctly. Any menu images will be shown too. Thanks to jamesac for noticing.

    Please redownload or apply the patch shown below.

    Open the file ja-cssmenu.php, go to the line 49th. Replace this code

    $active = in_array($row->id, $this->parent->open);
    if ($active) echo "<a class=\"active\" href=\"$row->link\">$row->name</a>";
    else echo "<a href=\"$row->link\">$row->name</a>";


    $active = in_array($row->id, $this->parent->open) ? "class = \"active\"" : "";

    $id = 'id="menu'.$row->id.'"';

    $txt = $row->name;
    if ( $this->getParam( 'menu_images' ) ) {
    $menu_params = new stdClass();
    $menu_params =& new mosParameters( $row->params );
    $menu_image = $menu_params->def( 'menu_image', -1 );
    if ( ( $menu_image <> '-1' ) && $menu_image ) {
    $image = '<img src="'. $mosConfig_live_site .'/images/stories/'. $menu_image .'" border="0" alt="'. $row->name .'"/>';
    if ( $this->getParam( 'menu_images_align' ) ) {
    $txt = $txt .' '. $image;
    } else {
    $txt = $image .' '. $txt;

    switch ($row->browserNav) {
    // cases are slightly different
    case 1:
    // open in a new window
    $txt = '<a href="'. $row->link .'" target="_blank" '.$active.' '. $id .'>'. $txt .'</a>';

    case 2:
    // open in a popup window
    $txt = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript:'". $row->link ."', '', 'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=780,height=550'); return false\" ".$active." ". $id .">". $txt ."</a>\n";

    case 3:
    // don't link it
    $txt = '<a href=\"#\" '.$active.' '. $id .'>'. $txt .'</a>';

    default: // formerly case 2
    // open in parent window
    $txt = '<a href="'. $row->link .'" '.$active.' '. $id .'>'. $txt .'</a>';

    echo $txt;

    ha le-viet Developer

    To fix a IE7 header bug, please remove:

    line-height: 69px;

    from the #ja-header markup in template_css.css file.

    Ha Le-Viet.

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  ha le-viet 17 years, 5 months ago.

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