I haven't used Custom Certificate for quite a while.
I used it today. The html, link and email options work perfectly well, but for some reason the PDF version is using the default background. See the attached screenshots, one when using the html option and the other when using the PDF version (see the red line to differentiate the two). The background with the yellow logo on top right should be the same for both as it is the custom certificate I uploaded.
FYI, on the "About Guru" page in admin, it shows that MPDF is not installed, but I did install it a few times, with the standard "Installation successful" message showing up.
But on the "About Guru" page, there's this message: "Warning: Undefined array key "version" in /home/globalsparks/public_html/administrator/components/com_guru/views/guruabout/tmpl/default.php on line 66"
I'm entering the admin access in case you need it.
Tks for looking into it,