";*/ global $ja_header_images, $ja_width_default, $ja_font_size_default, $ja_tool, $ja_menutype, $ja_template_path, $ja_template_absolute_path, $ja_headerimg, $ja_width, $ja_font_size, $ja_template_name; $ja_template_name = 'ja_wistery'; # BEGIN: TEMPLATE CONFIGURATIONS ########## #################################### # Change the width of the template $ja_width_default = 'wide'; // 'narrow': 800x600; 'wide': 1024x768; 'auto': fluid width #font size default $ja_font_size_default = 3; # Enable users option $ja_tool = 2; // 0: disable all; 1: Enable Screen tool; 2: Enable Font tool; 3: Enable Screen + Font tool. # Choose your prefer Menu Type $ja_menutype = 1; // 1: Split Menu; 2: Son of Suckerfish Dropdown Menu; 3: Transmenu; 4: Script Dropline Menu; # END: TEMPLATE CONFIGURATIONS ########## # Define the template path ########## $ja_template_path = $mosConfig_live_site.'/templates/'.$ja_template_name; $ja_template_absolute_path = $mosConfig_absolute_path.'/templates/'.$ja_template_name; include ($ja_template_absolute_path."/ja_templatetools.php"); $topnav = ""; $subnav = ""; if ($ja_menutype == 1) { require($ja_template_absolute_path."/ja_splitmenu.php"); $topnav = ja_topNav('mainmenu', array('default')); $subnav = ja_subNav('mainmenu'); } else if ($ja_menutype == 4) { require($ja_template_absolute_path."/ja_scriptdlmenu.php"); $topnav = $jamenu->menuObj->main; $subnav = $jamenu->menuObj->sub; } # Auto Collapse Divs Functions ########## $ja_left = mosCountModules( 'left' ); $ja_right = mosCountModules( 'right' ); if ( $ja_left && $ja_right ) { $divid = ''; } elseif ( $ja_left ) { $divid = '-fr'; } elseif ( $ja_right ) { $divid = '-fl'; } else { $divid = '-f'; } ?> id ) { initEditor(); } ?> "> Skip to content