;for jquery chosen JGLOBAL_SELECT_SOME_OPTIONS="Select some options" JGLOBAL_SELECT_AN_OPTION="Select an option" JGLOBAL_SELECT_NO_RESULTS_MATCH="No results match" INTRO_TEXT_DES = "Intro text for module" INTRO_TEXT = "Intro text" MODULE_CLASS_SUFFIX = "Module Class Suffix" MODULE_CLASS_SUFFIX_DES = "A class is applied to the CSS class of this module" RECIPIENT = "Recipient" RECIPIENT_DES = "Recipient emails (default is admin email). Email is separated by a comma" EMAIL_GREETING = "Greeting email" GREETING = "Greeting" EMAIL_SUBJECT = "Email subject" SUBJECT = "Subject" ALLOW_COPIED_EMAIL = "Allow to copy" ALLOW_COPIED_EMAIL_DES = "Show Send me a copy of email, and only send copy email when user check this option to send on frontend." THANKS_MESSAGE = "Thank you message" THANKS_MESSAGE_DES= "Message after submission. Default value 'Thank You" CHARACTER_LIMIT = "Maximum character" CHARACTER_LIMIT_DES= "Maximum characters of message. Default value is 1000" RETURN_URL = "Return Url" RETURN_URL_DES = "Redirect Url after form is submitted successfully" EMAIL_REQUIRE = "You must input Email!" NAME_REQUIRE = "You must input Name." SUBJECT_REQUIRE = "Subject can not be null" MESSAGE_REQUIRE = "You must input Message." CAPTCHA_REQUIRE = "Wrong Captcha" EMPTY_CAPTCHA = "Input your captcha" NOTICE_REQUEST_USER_REAL_EMAIL = "Please use a REAL email address so that we can get back to you." EMAIL_ADDRESS = "Email address" ENTER_YOUR_NAME = "Enter your name" ENTER_YOUR_SUBJECT = "Enter email subject" ENTER_YOUR_MESSAGE = "Enter your message" SEND_ME_A_COPIED_EMAIL = "Send me a copy of email" ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID = "Your email is invalid!" ERROR_EMAIL_EMPTY = "Please input your email!" ERROR_NAME_INVALID = "Please fill in your name!" ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID = "Number of characters cannot be less than 5 or greater than" THANKS_MESSAGE_DEFAULT = "Thank you!" EMAIL_SUBJECT_DEFAULT = "Email subject" SENDER_NAME_LABEL = "Sender name" SENDER_NAME_LABEL_DES = "Text label for sender name in frontend. Leave blank for default value" SENDER_EMAIL_LABEL= "Sender email" SENDER_EMAIL_LABEL_DES = "Text label for sender email in frontend. Leave blank for default value" EMAIL_SUBJECT_LABEL= "Email subject" EMAIL_SUBJECT_LABEL_DES = "Text label for email subject in frontend. Leave blank for default value" MESSAGE_LABEL= "Message" MESSAGE_LABEL_DES = "Text label for Message in frontend. Leave blank for default value" SEND_EMAIL="Send Email" EMAIL_SETTINGS="EMAIL SETTINGS" EMAIL_SETTINGS_DESC="EMAIL SETTINGS" ADVANCED_SETTINGS="ADVANCED SETTINGS" ADVANCED_SETTINGS_DESC="ADVANCED SETTINGS DESC" CONTACT_US="Contact Us" NAME="Name" EMAIL="Email" THANK_YOU="Thank you!" ERROR_SEND_MAIL="Sending email error" USE_AJAX_DESC="Use AJAX layout and send email by AJAX"