/* #------------------------------------------------------------------------ JA Purity II for Joomla 1.5 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Copyright (C) 2004-2009 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #@license - GNU/GPL, http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html #Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd #Websites: http://www.joomlart.com - http://www.joomlancers.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ var src_collap_1 = tmplurl + "/images/icon-min.gif"; var src_collap_2 = tmplurl + "/images/icon-max.gif"; new Asset.images ([src_collap_1, src_collap_2]); var JADDModules = new Class({ options: { handles: false, containers: false, onStart: Class.empty, onComplete: Class.empty, ghost: true, snap: 3, title: 'h3', src_collap_1:'', src_collap_2:'', cookieprefix: '', hideWhenStart: false, onDragStart: function(element, ghost){ ghost.setStyles({'opacity':0.7, 'z-index':100}); element.getChildren().setStyles({'opacity':0.3, 'z-index':1}); element.addClass('move'); this.lists.addClass ('move-wrap'); }, onDragComplete: function(element, ghost){ element.getChildren().setStyle('opacity', 1); element.removeClass('move'); this.lists.removeClass ('move-wrap'); ghost.remove(); this.trash.remove(); } }, initialize: function(lists, options){ //console.log(encodeURIComponent("h%E1%BB%93ng%20c%C3%B4ng")); this.setOptions(options); this.lists = lists; if (window.loaded) { this._load(); } else { window.addEvent ('domready', this._load.bind(this)); } }, _load: function () { this.lists = $$(this.lists); this.lists.sort(function(a,b){return a.getCoordinates().left - b.getCoordinates().left;}); this.elements = []; this.handles = []; /* Get cookies */ this.hc = ''; if((this.hc=Cookie.get(this.options.cookieprefix+'ja-ordercolumn'))){ if (this.hc == '-') { this.hc = ''; Cookie.set(this.options.cookieprefix+"ja-ordercolumn", '',{path:'/'}); } else { this.hc = this.hc.split(','); if(this.hc!=''){ this.hc.each(function(cc,k){ this.hc[k] = this.hc[k].split("_"); },this); } } } this.lists.each(function(list){ var elements = list.getChildren(); elements.each(function(el,i){ el._p = list; if(this.options.title){ el._h = el.getElement(this.options.title); if (!el._h) return; tmp = el._h.getParent(); el._h.remove(); //add wrap div /* var tmpwrap = new Element('div', {'class':'ja-mod-content'}); var tmpwrap2 = new Element('div', {'class':'ja-mod-inner'}).inject (tmpwrap); tmp.getChildren().each (function(elc){ elc.remove().inject(tmpwrap2); }); tmpwrap.inject (tmp); */ tmp.innerHTML = "
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p = $(el._p); if(!p) return ; tmp = p.getChildren().length > el._pos ? p.getChildren()[el._pos]:null; if (tmp) { if (tmp._pos > el._pos) el.injectBefore(tmp); else el.injectAfter(tmp); } else el.inject (p); }); //this.elements = $$(list); this.handles = (this.options.handles) ? $$(this.options.handles) : (this.handles.length?this.handles:this.elements); //this.handles.setStyle('cursor', 'move'); this.bound = { 'start': [], 'moveGhost': this.moveGhost.bindWithEvent(this) }; for (var i = 0, l = this.handles.length; i < l; i++){ this.bound.start[i] = this.start.bindWithEvent(this, this.elements[i]); } this.attach(); this.collap(); if (this.options.initialize) this.options.initialize.call(this); this.bound.move = this.move.bindWithEvent(this); this.bound.end = this.end.bind(this); //if (window.opera) window.addEvent("unload", this.saveCookies.bind(this)); //else window.addEvent("beforeunload", this.saveCookies.bind(this)); }, collap: function(){ this.lists.each(function(list){ var elements = list.getChildren(); elements.each(function(el,i){ /* For collap */ el.elmain = el.getElement('.ja-mod-inner'); if(!el._h) return; el.maxH = el.elmain.getStyle('height').toInt(); //console.log (el.elmain.getStyle('height').toInt() + ' ' + el.maxH); el.elmain.setStyles ({ 'overflow':'hidden', 'padding':'0', 'margin':'0' }); el._h._chdl.addEvent('mousedown', function(e){ e = new Event(e).stop(); }); el._h._chdl.addEvent('click', function(e){ e = new Event(e).stop(); this.toggle(el); }.bind(this)); if(el._h.className.test('hide')) { this.hide(el); } else{ this.show(el); } /*Edit here*/ if(this.options.hideWhenStart) { this.hide(el); } else { this.show(el); } }, this); }, this); }, toggle: function(el){ if (el._h.className.test('hide')){ this.show(el); } else this.hide(el); }, show: function(el) { el._h.removeClass('hide'); if (!el._h.className.test('show')) el._h.addClass('show'); el._h._chdl.src = src_collap_2; new Fx.Style(el.elmain,'height',{onComplete:this.toggleStatus.bind(this,el)}).start(el.elmain.offsetHeight,el.elmain.scrollHeight); 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this.offsetY = event.page.y - position.y; this.trash = new Element('div', {'class':'ja-ghost'}).inject(document.body); this.ghost = el.clone().inject(this.trash).setStyles({ 'position': 'absolute', 'left': event.page.x - this.offsetX, 'top': event.page.y - this.offsetY, 'width': el.offsetWidth }); document.addListener('mousemove', this.bound.moveGhost); this.fireEvent('onDragStart', [el, this.ghost]); } document.addListener('mousemove', this.bound.move); document.addListener('mouseup', this.bound.end); this.fireEvent('onStart', el); event.stop(); }, moveGhost: function(event){ this.ghost.setStyles({'left': event.page.x-this.offsetX, 'top': event.page.y-this.offsetY }); event.stop(); }, move: function(event){ var cor = this.active.getCoordinates(); if(cor.left < event.page.x && event.page.x < cor.right && event.page.y > cor.top && event.page.y < cor.bottom) return; /*Find out the hover element*/ var now = event.page.x; var clist = this.lists[0]; this.lists.each(function(list){ if (now > list.getCoordinates().left) clist = list; }, this); if(clist == this.active._p) { var now = event.page.y; this.previous = this.previous || now; var up = ((this.previous - now) > 0); var prev = this.active.getPrevious(); var next = this.active.getNext(); if (prev && up && now < prev.getCoordinates().bottom) this.active.injectBefore(prev); if (next && !up && now > next.getCoordinates().top) this.active.injectAfter(next); this.previous = now; }else{ var now = event.page.y; //Get correct position var els = clist.getChildren(); if(els.length) { var cel = els[0]; els.each(function(el, idx){ if (now > el._h.getCoordinates().bottom) { if(idx < els.length - 1) cel = els[idx+1]; else cel = null; } },this); if(cel) this.active.injectBefore(cel); else this.active.inject(clist); } else { this.active.inject(clist); } this.active._p = clist; this.previous = now; } }, serialize: function(converter){ return this.list.getChildren().map(converter || function(el){ return this.elements.indexOf(el); }, this); }, end: function(){ this.previous = null; document.removeListener('mousemove', this.bound.move); document.removeListener('mouseup', this.bound.end); if (this.options.ghost){ document.removeListener('mousemove', this.bound.moveGhost); this.fireEvent('onDragComplete', [this.active, this.ghost]); } this.fireEvent('onComplete', this.active); this.saveCookies(); }, saveCookies: function() { if ((this.hc=Cookie.get(this.options.cookieprefix+"ja-ordercolumn")) == '-') { return; } if (this.hc) { this.hc = this.hc.split(','); if(this.hc){ this.hc.each(function(cc,k){ this.hc[k] = this.hc[k].split("_"); },this); } } c = ''; this.lists.each(function(list){ var elements = list.getChildren(); if (!elements){ return; } elements.each(function(el,i){ //alert(el._h.getText().trim().substr(0,el._h.getText().trim().indexOf('\n'))); c += el._p.id + "_" + el._h.getText().trim().substr(0,el._h.getText().trim().indexOf('\n')) + "_" + i + "_" + (el._h.className.test('hide')?'hide':'show')+","; },this); },this); if (this.hc) { this.hc.each(function(value, k){ if (!c.test ('_' + value[1] + '_')) { c += value[0] + "_" + value[1] + "_" + value[2] + "_" + value[3]+","; } },this); } c = c.substr(0, (c.length-1)); //alert(c); Cookie.set(this.options.cookieprefix+"ja-ordercolumn", c, {duration: 365,path:'/'}); } }); document.write(''); /* window.addEvent('load', function(){ new JADDModules($$("#ja-zinwrap .ja-movable-container"), {src_collap_1:src_collap_1, src_collap_2:src_collap_2, 'cookieprefix':'', title: '.ja-zinsec'}); new JADDModules($$("#ja-cols .ja-movable-container"), {src_collap_1:src_collap_1, src_collap_2:src_collap_2, 'cookieprefix':''}); }); */ JADDModules.implement(new Events, new Options); JAResizer = new Class({ initialize: function(els, options){ this.options = Object.extend({ min: 100, max: 0 }, options || {}); $$(els).each(function(el){ el.onmouseover = function(){ this.addClass('ja-colresizehover'); }; resizemouseout = function(){ //console.log('call mouse out event for ' + this); this.removeClass('ja-colresizehover'); } el.onmouseout = resizemouseout; var prev = el.getPrevious(); var next = el.getNext(); prev.makeResizableNew ({handle: el, modifiers:{y:false}, limit:{width:[100]}}); next.makeResizableNew ({handle: el, modifiers:{y:false}, dir: -1, limit:{width:[100]}}); var eld = el.makeDraggable({modifiers:{y:false}}); eld.addEvent('onStart', function (el) { //console.log('Remove mouse out for ' + eld.element); el.onmouseout = null; this._next = el.getNext(); this._prev = el.getPrevious(); this._w = this._prev.getStyle('width').toFloat() + this._next.getStyle('width').toFloat(); }); eld.addEvent('onComplete', function (el) { el.onmouseout = resizemouseout; var w1 = this._prev.offsetWidth; var w2 = this._next.offsetWidth; var w1p = w1/(w1+w2)*this._w; var w2p = w2/(w1+w2)*this._w; var elwp = el.offsetLeft * this._w / (w1+w2); this._prev.setStyle('width', w1p + '%'); this._next.setStyle('width', w2p + '%'); el.setStyle ('left', elwp + '%'); el = el.getCoordinates(this.options.overflown); var now = this.mouse.now; if (!(now.x > el.left && now.x < el.right && now.y < el.bottom && now.y > el.top)) resizemouseout.call(this.element); }); }.bind( this)); } }); Drag.Resize = Drag.Base.extend({ options: { dir: 1 }, initialize: function(el, options){ this.setOptions(options); this.parent(el); }, start: function(event){ this.fireEvent('onBeforeStart', this.element); this.mouse.start = event.page; var limit = this.options.limit; this.limit = {'x': [], 'y': []}; for (var z in this.options.modifiers){ if (!this.options.modifiers[z]) continue; this.value.now[z] = this.element.getCoordinates()[this.options.modifiers[z]].toInt(); this.mouse.pos[z] = event.page[z] - this.value.now[z]*this.options.dir; if (limit && limit[z]){ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++){ if ($chk(limit[z][i])) this.limit[z][i] = ($type(limit[z][i]) == 'function') ? limit[z][i]() : limit[z][i]; } } } if ($type(this.options.grid) == 'number') this.options.grid = {'x': this.options.grid, 'y': this.options.grid}; document.addListener('mousemove', this.bound.check); document.addListener('mouseup', this.bound.stop); this.fireEvent('onStart', this.element); event.stop(); }, drag: function(event){ this.out = false; this.mouse.now = event.page; for (var z in this.options.modifiers){ if (!this.options.modifiers[z]) continue; //this.value.now[z] = this.mouse.now[z] - this.mouse.pos[z]; this.value.now[z] = (this.mouse.now[z] - this.mouse.pos[z])*this.options.dir; if (this.limit[z]){ if ($chk(this.limit[z][1]) && (this.value.now[z] > this.limit[z][1])){ this.value.now[z] = this.limit[z][1]; this.out = true; } else if ($chk(this.limit[z][0]) && (this.value.now[z] < this.limit[z][0])){ this.value.now[z] = this.limit[z][0]; this.out = true; } } if (this.options.grid[z]) this.value.now[z] -= (this.value.now[z] % this.options.grid[z]); this.element.setStyle(this.options.modifiers[z], this.value.now[z] + this.options.unit); } this.fireEvent('onDrag', this.element); event.stop(); } }); /* Class: Element Custom class to allow all of its methods to be used with any DOM element via the dollar function <$>. */ Element.extend({ /* Property: makeDraggable Makes an element draggable with the supplied options. Arguments: options - see and for acceptable options. */ makeResizableNew: function(options){ return new Drag.Resize(this, $merge({modifiers: {x: 'width', y: 'height'}}, options)); } });